100_1115TV.. I grew up watching TV. I love it and I hate it! It’s so easy to sit back and veg out when you know there are more important things to do. So, when I cut the cord years ago I thought I was on my way to redemption. Of course a home theatre PC, Roku, Chrome Cast, Plex and XBMC completely undermines cutting the cord so in short order I was right back where I started. Now, I love to read but whenever I reached for a book or my Kindle the remote seemed to steal my attention and yeah, I was vegging out.

I needed a plan, some intentionality. So, here’s what I did. I had two recliners in the living room and only  used one. I took one  and put it in another room and made the whole setting as comfortable and inviting as possible. In the morning I got in the habit of going straight to my new setting with my coffee and reading material. It worked! Now, instead of vegging out I was spacing out but in a good way. I created a new space that I eventually found as desirable as any room in my house. To be honest, I still loose the battle to the remote occasionally but not nearly as often.

Now, I wonder, could this strategy work in other problem areas of life? Addictions, bad relationships, anger or greed? Anything that steals your time and joy is what I’m thinking about. Separate yourself from the problem, create a  good, desirable alternative and ask the Lord for strength and courage knowing He’ll be with you where ever you go. I’ll let you know how my next challenge works out.

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