Photo by Heather Zabriskie on Unsplash

We’ve heard the saying many times but has it ever made a difference in your life? To my surprise it did for me! Case in point, this web site.

Over a year ago I got the bug again. I wanted to make this idea of providing help to others and possibly creating a community of like minded people a reality. I bought a fresh notebook, started planning and writing and working on this website I had created almost ten years earlier. In that notebook on the very first page I wrote in large letters, “Its never too late!”

Is that true? I hope so, cause I’m at it again. I’d set the project aside after an initial enthusiasm that lasted a couple of months. Even though I was semi-retired and had time for the “important things” I lost interest and life took over once again. Then, as had happened many times before, the idea came back, the lure of doing something interesting on-line returned. I opened my notebook and there it was, a message written by a dreamer, a novice, a hopeful tech enthusiast yearning for admission to an on-line world where community might be possible. Did I really write that thinking it true, or was my subconscious at work knowing it might come to this? I don’t really care, I’m going to give it another shot. What’s the worst that can happen? I might miss out on some TV? Skip a workout or two?

How about you? What’s back there in a notebook somewhere haunting your memory? It’s never too late!

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