I find it interesting that in the book of Acts chapters 8 and 9 we have three different men, very different backgrounds and such different salvation experiences. The first is Simon, a magician, who sees the powerful results of Philip’s outreach to the people of Samaria. The text says he believed and continued to follow Philip and though he himself was well known for having the “Power of God that is called Great” he was amazed at Philip’s signs and wonders.

Next we have the Ethiopian eunuch. An important man with great responsibilities taking time to travel all the way to Jerusalem to worship. Philip is directed by the by an angel of the Lord to leave Samaria and the miraculous events happening there to reach out to this one God fearer. After an explanation of Isaiah 53:7,8 he believes and asks to be baptized.

Finally we read the well known story of Saul’s conversion experience on the road to Damascus. In an effort to cleanse his Jewish faith of the Jesus following blasphemers he comes face to face with the Lord and eventually becomes God’s missionary to the Gentiles.

What I find interesting is that each of these men retained certain character attributes after their conversions that may have defined their Christian walk thereafter. Let me quickly present them to you and then ask an important question.

  1. Geed.   Simon saw the powerful works of the apostles and how they surpassed his own deceptive signs and wonders and wanted them for himself.
  2. Desire. The Ethiopian eunuch feared God, desired to worship Him and after obtaining a complete knowledge of the truth accepted it and acted on that truth with an immediate desire to be baptized. Legend has it that he became a great missionary to his own people.
  3. Zeal. Saul, now Paul, turned the world upside down with the proclamation of the gospel to a Gentile world. His zeal, unmatched, was rewarded with numerous beatings, stonings,  deprivations and finally execution. Supernaturally empowered no doubt, but still a man on a mission and the zeal to keep him moving.

What is it that you bring to your faith? We all have certain character flaws or gifts that can make or break our ministries. Are you aware of potential problem areas? We’re told by scripture to examine ourselves and consider our ways. With meditation and prayer we can overcome the things that negatively effect our efforts. Maybe there’s a trait or gift that needs to be re-kindled and would greatly compliment you efforts. Sometimes we’ve ignored issues for so long we might need a trusted believer to come along side us and help bear the burden of change. Weather you need to put something behind you or work something to its fullest potential please start now. Tomorrow is another busy day with too many excuses for putting off what God wants you to do today.


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