
Have you ever noticed a word or phrase gradually invading your consciousness? You’re not sure if it’s actually being used more or if you just happen to notice it more for one reason or another. The word that keeps showing itself to me (as if words had a mind of their own) is “Intentional”.  (in·ten·tion·al – inˈten(t)SH(ə)n(ə)l/ – adjective – done on purpose; deliberate.) There are so many areas of my life I could be more intentional. Prayer, exercise, diet, relationships and more.

What is it that holds us back from peak performance in certain areas of life? Will another “self help book” do the trick? As I thought about past situations in my life I noticed three common factors that preceded successful outcomes.

  1. Prayer
  2. Need
  3. Desire

I list prayer first only because I know that’s where I should start but in reality it is often the last step. I’ve been a Christian for many years and my dedication to prayer seems to ebb and flow with where I’m at in life. I’ve been getting better and I know that because I’ve chosen to live life with an eternal perspective it’s most likely the most important element.

God has promised to meet my needs, that I’m sure of. At certain times though something inside me cries out “you need to do this” Could be conscience, circumstance or Holy Spirit. Maybe all three, but when this “need” mentality arises motivation kicks in. I could ignore these promptings but when I stop, examine the situation and consider the consequences of not taking action I usually end up doing something about it.

Desire can come from good or bad motives. I’m sure you’ve wondered at times weather a certain desire was healthy. For me the physical desires are fairly obvious to scrutinize. Chocolate is good, more chocolate not so much. The internal desires are much harder to deal with… Should I commit considerable time and effort to an advanced degree? Is it ego that’s behind the motivation?.. Is this relationship pleasing to the Lord?  What will it look like in a year or two? What are some possible motives behind this desire?

A commitment to knowing God’s word is the key element in filtering these questions. It’s the lense that focuses light on important decisions. I love the C.S.Lewis quote,

“I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen: not because I see it, but  because by it I see everything else”

My desire to be more intentional is a good thing. What I’m more intentional about will most likely be an outcome of my worldview. As you consider areas of life where you could be more intentional ask yourself why you need to pursue this particular area. What need does it fulfill? Is this a healthy desire? Praying about it before or after is totally up to you!

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